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Selawik National Wildlife Refuge

Welcome to the Selawik National Wildlife Refuge.
Refuge History: This is what many consider to be the most historically important land on the continent of North America. These lands once formed part of the Bering Land bridge that the Native Americans used to travel from Asia to North America over 12,000 years ago. For thousands of years the Inupiaq people made their home here and hunted the lands game and collected it's fruits and berries.
Wildlife: The tundra, wetlands, spruce forest, and alder lined foothills of Selawik National Wildlife Refuge help protect the home of numerous wild critters including hundreds of thousands of caribou, moose, brown bears, wolverines and many others. Please treat their home with respect.
For the lover of the outdoors this refuge boasts trips down the Selawki River, miles of multipurpose trails, and so much more. Come on out and have a blast!