Marion Indiana Parks ,
Marion Indiana Playgrounds
Barnes Park is located in downtown Marion, Indiana along the railroad tracks. This park has an open green area, a playground for the kids, and a picnic area.
When visiting any park in Marion, Indiana please respect the rules.
*All parks open at 7:30 am and close at 9pm with the lighted areas closing at 11pm. Hours may be extended with special permit.
*Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
*Please do not disturb or remove any park plants or animals.
*Please repect all public property including benches, buildings, athletic courts, trees, etc.
*No foul language or disruptive behavior.
*No littering. The trash receptacles are there for a reason, use them. Help keep the parks clean.
*All burning is restricted to picnic grills.
*The following activities require special permit, sales, setting off of fireworks, camping.
*All animals must be leashed, no more than 8 feet long.
*Please obey speed limit and all other State of Indiana traffic laws.
Please respect these rules, the parks, and all local, State of Indiana, and United States statutes. Be safe and have a good time.
Barnes Park
Intersection of South E Street and West 6th
Marion, Indiana
United States
40.555515, -85.670732
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