Welcome to RecPlanet. Visit contest page for over $4000 in prizes. You can win a prize simply by voting (membership not required to vote). Search our database for info on thousands of parks. Blog for royalties, use "Contact Us" link for more information.
Welcome to the RecPlanet Photo Contest.
The first photo to reach 3000 stars wins the photo contest prize. If you are voter#10000, you win the voting contest you will be taken to a page where you will be given the winning code and a way to contact the webmaster. Give the webmaster the winning code to receive the prize. Please keep the pictures recreational. They can be photos of people taken doing recreational activities or they can be photos taken in a public park or other public land. You are allowed one vote per IP address per picture. In order to get an update on your voter # or number of stars you must manually refresh the page. But the votes ARE registering. To enter a photo into the contest you must be a registred and logged in member. But any random websurfer can vote, member or not. Use the stars under the pictures to vote anywhere between 1 and 5 stars. The best way to keep track of the progress of your photos is to save the direct links to them as more and more photos will be piling up on the main contest page.
Our other contest is the park creation contest. Add park #50,000 to the prize. Must be a member in order to add parks. More information on the add parks contest can be obtained via the "Contact Us" link. Any questions asked will be answered within a week.
We also do micro contests that are for very special occasions and the details of those are only listed on our Facebook Page. So fan us today.
*Park Creation Contest Prize $3200
*Voting Contest Prize $One must follow our Facebook Page to know this information. Prizes will only be given to those who display the screen shot with proof that they are not using AdBlock. Ads must be visible in the background of the screen shot.
*Photo Contest Prize $425
Contest rules are as follows.
*No Children allowed in the photos.
*Keep all photos recreational.
*No public nudity.
*As long as you respect these rules, you are fine.
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