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Little River Canyon National Preserve

Welcome to the Little River Canyon National Preserve located in the Appalachian foothills of northwest Alabama.
Park History: The region in and around Little River Canyon National Preserve has an important Civil War History. Streights Raid, which is considered to be one of the most dramatic episodes of the Civil War, occurred in Cherokee Couinty, Alabama. In 1864, General Sherman had over 60,000 troops in the region. On October 21, 1992, President George Herbert Walker Bush signed the legislation into law creating Little River Canyon National Preserve in order to protect the region's cultural and natural resources and provide recreational opportunities.
Wildlife: Little River Canyon National Preserve helps protect the home of numerous wild critters including deer, raccoons, squirrels and foxes. Please treat their home with respect.
For the lover of the outdoors this park boasts over 3 miles of trails and so much more. Come on out and explore.
This was RecPlanet place of the day on February 17, 2018.
Little River Canyon National Preserve
Alabama United States
34.423337, -85.614738