Durango Colorado Parks
Roosa Park is an open grassy area in Durango, Colorado on the banks of the Animas River.
To contact the Durango Parks and Recreation Office please call 970-375-7321.
When visiting any park in Durango, Colorado please respect the rules.
*All parks open at 5 a.m. and closet at midnight unless otherwise posted.
*The following are all prohibited; littering, consumption of alcoholic beverages, weapons.
*All animals must be leashed (no longer than 6 feet) and waste removed.
*The following activities require special permit; sales, postings, performances.
*The following are only allowed in designated areas; motor vehicles, swimming, cycling.
Please respect these rules, the parks, and all local, State of Colorado, and United States Statutes. Be safe and have fun.
Roosa Park
1349 Roosa Avenue
Durango, Colorado
United States
37.278812, -107.881872
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