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Grand Canyon National Park

Welcome to one of the Great Wonders of the World, the magnificent Grand Canyon National Park located in northern Arizona!
Park History: Archeological discoveries tell us that the first humans to settle in what is now Grand Canyon National Park arrived here over 12,000 years ago. Artifacts from various peoples have been discovered including the Puebloans, Navajos, Zunis, and Hopis. The Grand Canyon was a Forest Preserve and then a National Monument before finally being promoted to National Park Status in 1919. Today it is one of the most studied geologic landscapes on the planet boasting a record of three of the four eras of geological time and numerous paleontological, archeological, and biological resources. The Canyon is 6,000 feet deep at it's deepest point and up to 20 miles wide in places.
Flora and Fauna: Grand Canyon National Park helps protect the home of numerous plant and animals species. Some of the more than 1,700 plant species that grow inside the park boundaries include Coyote Willow, snakeweeds, Indian ricegrass, Ponderosa pines, Douglas firs, and aspens. Some of the wild animals who call this place home include squirrels, mountain lions, porcupines, black bears, golden eagles, and bald eagles. Please treat their home with respect.
For the lover of the outdoors Grand Canyon National Park boasts river trips, many miles of trails, and so much more. Come on out and have a GRAND time!