Prescott Arizona Parks
Welcome to Community Nature Center Open Space Preserve in Prescott, Arizona. Come out and explore a 1.5 mile hiking trail and see a historic log cabin. This is a popular field trip destination for local school kids.
To contact the Prescott Parks Department please call 928-777-1122.
When visiting any Park in Prescott, Arizona please be mindful of the rules.
*No littering! Please place all trash in proper trash receptacles. Violators fined up to $2500.
*The City of Prescott's trails are only to be used for their designated purpose.
*All animals must be leashed and waste removed. All dogs must stay off athletic fields. Dogs may only be off leash in the fenced in dog parks.
*All vehicles must stay in designated areas and obey all traffic laws.
*Conspumption of alcoholic beverages requires special permit.
*All burning is restricted to picnic facilities.
*Please use parks only during posted hours. Seasonal overnight camping is available at Lake Watson Park.
Please respect these rules, the parks, and all local, State of Arizona, and United States statutes. Be safe and come out and have fun!
Community Nature Center Open Space Preserve
1981 Williamson Valley Road
Prescott, Arizona
United States
34.577592, -112.498863
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