Santa Clarita California Parks
Welcome to Pacific Crest Park in Santa Clarita, California. This park's multipurpose field can be used for many activities.
To contact the department office please call 661-250-3710.
Santa Clarita Park Ordinances
*Unless otherwise posted all parks open at dawn and close at 10 p.m.
*The following are all prohibited; defacing of public property, narcotics, alcoholic beverages, disorderly behavior, foul language, public nudity, golfing, smoking.
*The following require special permits; overnight camping, sales, solicitations.
*All dogs must be leashed no longer than six feet and waste removed.
*The following are only allowed in designated areas; picnic grilling, motor vehicles, remote control cars, boats, or aircraft.
*All skaters must wear helmet and pads.
Please respect these and all local, State of California, and United States statutes.
Pacific Crest Park
29051 Garnet Canyon Drive
Santa Clarita, California
United States
34.474455, -118.523740
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