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Coronado National Forest

Welcome to Coronado National Forest sprawled across southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. The forest's landscapes range in elevation from as low as 2,500 feet ASL to as high as over 10,000 feet ASL.
Forest History: Archeological evidence indicates that the first humans to settle in this region arrived over 11,000 years ago. The Coronado National Forest is named after an early Spanish explorer by the name of Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, who ventured into the region in 1540. Over the years, at least 14 different shifts in government land occurred before the Coronado National Forest was established from the consolidation of various National Forests in 1908.
Wildlife: The Coronado National Forest helps protect the home of numerous wild critters including mountain lions, deer, squirrels, black bears, and many others. Please treat their home with respect.
For the lover of the outdoors Coronado National Forest boasts miles of trails, the Mt. Lemmon Ski Valley, and so much more. Come on out and have a blast!