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The Hike to Hemlock Falls
It was a beautiful and sunny Sunday and we had just finished lunch, my mom, sister, and nephew went into the house to rest, and me, my dad, and my brother in law got on the boat and headed towards Moccasin Creek State Park.
Memorial Day weekend on Lake Burton is anything but calm. There was heavy boat traffic and the water was quite choppy. We docked the boat at Moccasin Creek State Park, a place where I have many memories of my childhood including fishing trips with my old friend Josh Goldman. I am sure he remembers the day the ranger yelled at us for going wading in a no swimming zone. Then there was the most recent Camping Trip I took with my dad a couple of years ago. Moccasin Creek State Park may be the smallest State Park in the State of Georgia, but she's a great place for camping, has a cute little playground, and boasts magnificent views of the lake and access to nearby hiking trails.
We crossed the highway from the park and began to follow the gravel road that leads up to the trail that follows Moccasin Creek into the mountains.
Once we got to the trail I started to get anxious. It was a humid day and I was ready to get up to that swimming hole at Hemlock Falls. The scenery along the way is quite nice, lots of ferns, roaring rapids, and even another waterfall.
The last stretch of the hike felt like the longest, but soon we would arrive at Hemlock Falls. I was the only one who ended up getting in and swimming.
After a brief rest we headed back down the trail. When we got back onto the gravel road we made the wildlife, sighting of the day. I saw a long snake slithering across the road ahead of us. I took a look at it's tail and knew it had to be a rattler. Thus I did not dare venture too close. My dad did get close enough to get a picture.
All in all it was a great hike. Beautiful scenery and great exercise.
just a test.
Swamp Hike
The other morning I went down to Constitution Lakes Park. Spring is definately starting to show it's colors there slowly but surely. Apparently the park is becoming a bird watchers paradise as I saw some flyers posted and even met a few people there who spoke of a great horned owl. I can certainly say that I have seen blue herons and geese in the swamp, and rumor has it that even alligator snapping turtles live in there somewhere, but I have yet to see one. Oh it would be so nice if I could find a way to get a canoe back in there.