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Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
It's cramped. Five grown men inside a space that looks to be made for three. The roaring of the engine is deafening. A slight sensation in the pit of your stomach as your mind and body tell you something isn't right. "You're a human, you aren't supposed to do something like this" Seconds feel like hours. Minutes like days. Breathing more than usual but still feeling like you need more. And then the door opens and you fling yourself from a moving aircraft at 14,000 feet. Every concern you had before you left is gone. No problem you have is strong enough to survive the immense amount of adrenaline flowing through your veins. Complete freedom. For just a few minutes at a time nothing matters at all but this moment.
Why would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane you ask? My answer is simple.
Why wouldn't you?
I've done it
I've done it. Twice.